Tourist Map of Rome 2025

Updated: January 2025


We have created a map featuring the 21 most important tourist sites in Rome, divided into three parts: the tourist map with the important sites numbered, then a brief summary of each of the 21 tourist sites, and finally the summary with photos, all in printable format so you can easily identify any site. To enlarge the images, click on them.

Mapa turístico de Roma

You have permission to do whatever you want with these images, download them, print them, except for one thing. It is strictly forbidden to post these images on other websites or apps, it has taken us a lot of time to do all this work, plus we update the maps frequently.

Important Places in Rome

  1. Musei Vaticani e Cappella Sistina (Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel): Vatican's artistic treasures including the famous Sistine Chapel frescoes by Michelangelo.
  2. Vatican: The nerve center of the Catholic Church, housing St. Peter's Basilica and the papal residence.
  3. Castel Sant'Angelo: Historic fortification with an imperial mausoleum, a castle, and a museum.
  4. Piazza di Popolo (People's Square): A broad square serving as the northern gateway to Rome, flanked by churches and an Egyptian obelisk.
  5. Piazza de Spagna (Spanish Square): Iconic architectural and social set of Rome, highlighted by its staircases leading to the Trinità dei Monti church.
  6. Cripta dei Cappuccini (Capuchin Crypt): Chapels adorned with the bones of friars, offering a unique perspective on death and art.
  7. Fontana di Trevi: Majestic Baroque fountain famous for the tradition of throwing coins to ensure a return to Rome.
  8. Piazza Navona: An important Baroque square known for its beautiful water fountains and atmosphere, dominated by the Fountain of the Four Rivers.
  9. Campo de’ Fiori: By day famous for its market and cultural history. By night famous for being a meeting place, for its lively atmosphere.
  10. Trastevere: Neighborhood with medieval charm, known for its narrow streets, nightlife, and authentic Roman cuisine.
  11. Musei Capitolini: A group of museums housing important collections of ancient art, located on the top of the Capitoline Hill.
  12. Bocca della Verità (Mouth of Truth): Ancient marble mask located in the portico of the Church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin. According to legend, it bites the hand of those who lie.
  13. Palatino: Historic hill of Rome, cradle of Roman civilization with impressive ruins and views over the Roman Forum.
  14. Circo Massimo: A massive stadium of ancient Rome used for chariot races and other public events (though almost nothing remains, it gives you an idea of the size it had).
  15. Colosseo: Iconic amphitheater of ancient Rome, known for its spectacular gladiator fights.
  16. Basilica di San Clemente: Unique ecclesiastical complex with archaeological layers showing the historical evolution of Rome.
  17. Domus Aurea: Nero's palace, famous for its advanced architectural and decorative techniques, now open as an archaeological site.
  18. Galleria Borghese e Villa Borghese: Cultural space in a green setting, home to a vast collection of art and sculptures.
  19. Terme di Diocleziano (National Roman Museum): Ancient public baths transformed into a museum, showcasing the grandeur of Roman leisure.
  20. Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore: Important Marian church noted for its Paleo-Christian and Renaissance mosaics.
  21. San Giovanni in Laterano: Prestigious basilica, considered the "mother of all churches" in Christendom.

We have the previous listing of famous places in Rome in PDF version, ready for download or print.


21 Key Places of Rome with Photos

And now, the previous listing, in photo version. Click on the image to enlarge it.

Key Sites of Rome with Photos


Frequently Asked Questions

 - Are there daily or tourist tickets for the Rome metro?
Yes, there are 24, 48, and 72-hour tickets available, which offer unlimited travel for the validity period. Check our section talking about Rome metro tickets.

 - Where to buy tickets for attractions online?
To avoid queues and book tickets for some sites with capacity limitations, you can purchase passes for the main attractions and "packs" for various sites such as the Colosseum, Roman Forum, Palatine Hill, Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel, Castel Sant'Angelo, Borghese Gallery, or St. Peter's Basilica Dome, Audio guide... and sometimes there are discounts of up to 20% on other attractions. If you're interested, here you can find everything you need.

 - What is the best way to get to the Vatican by metro?
Line A of the metro, Ottaviano/San Pietro stop, is the closest to the Vatican.

 - How to get to the Vatican
Getting to the Vatican is easy. Although it's a separate state, it's located in the centre of Rome. You can go by foot, bus, metro, or taxi, and each option offers a different perspective of Rome. Here you'll find how to reach this important place of Christian faith and culture.

Mode Departure Duration
On foot From Piazza Spagna. 42 min
On foot From Piazza Navona. 31 min
On foot From Campo dei Fiori. 31 min
On foot From Isola Tiberina. 43 min
On foot From Trastevere. 44 min
On foot From the Colosseum. 55 min
Bus Towards Piazza del Risorgimento. Varies
Metro (Line A) Get off at Ottaviano-S. Pietro. Varies + 5 min on foot
Tram Number 19 to Piazza del Risorgimento. Varies
Taxi From Termini, around £15. 21 min


We hope you found our tourist map useful, please, if you find any mistakes send us a message.

Map | Timetable | Prices | Line A | Line B | Line C